Table of Contents
Essay writing is always a challenging task, especially if you don’t have enough practice and experience. Nevertheless, these fears and challenges can be easily solved just with a little bit of preparation. All you need to do is to review this article about how to write an extended essay IB, and you will have enough information on this topic.
What Is An EE?
Prior to the discussion of the IB EE structure and some helpful recommendations, let’s at first determine the meaning of this term.
So, EE is an alternative short version of the thesis, which is written under scientific supervision. The results of this tiring writing process will be counted in the IB Diploma. The research process is also extremely similar to the thesis. First, you need to choose a certain topic, conduct research, and only then proceed to write. The standard length of this text is 4,000 words in general, but it may be less. The most important thing here is the content, but not the length of the custom essay writing.
EE structure and formatting should also be followed in order to meet the general requirements. That’s why don’t forget to cite sources at the end of your text.
IB Extended Essay Guidelines
Now when it is clear what an EE is, let’s continue with the general requirements. The usual text structure should include the following components:
- Title;
- Content;
- Introduction;
- Main part;
- Conclusion;
- Bibliography.
Even when your English EE has all these major parts, it doesn’t mean that your text will be accepted. That’s because you cannot just pick any theme you like and follow the guidance; your topic should be approved according to the available categories such as arts, language acquisition, literature and language studies, science, individuals and societies, and maths.
When you have chosen the category which you are most interested in and somehow formulated a topic, then it is the right time for the choice of adviser. This person may be either your teacher or any professional that you can find online.
There is no strict recommendation relating to the choice of adviser. However, every year the requirements for the writing process change, and you should definitely check them out. For instance, in 2018, there was such a recommendation that you should meet a minimum of 3 times with your supervisor; it was obligatory. So, be extremely attentive when reviewing EE IB requirements.
Extended Essay Introduction And Some Other Additional Tips
We are not going to overwhelm you with unnecessary information, here you will get only 6 strategic points which you should follow in order to cope with the task. Just go on reading, and you will find out everything essential in IB extended essay guidelines.
- Concentrate on something that you are most passionate about. This recommendation is probably the most important because of how you can create something meaningful and impactful if you don’t like the topic you are writing about. Accept this task seriously as something that can drastically change your life, and it really can. By successful completion of this assignment, you can get a desirable scholarship, isn’t that great?
Sometimes it may be hard to determine the field of your interests but just take time. Don’t hurry up and use a brain-storm method for the choice of the area you are really passionate about. You may also discuss this with your friends and relatives, sometimes it helps.
- The chosen topic should not be too broad. Don’t forget that IB extended essay format should be a maximum of 4000 words. So, be specific with your ideas and remember the number of words you should stick to. To determine this factor, you’d better make research prior to the choice of the topic and review some of the available materials. In such a way, you will definitely understand how broad or narrow is the chosen topic and whether there is a necessity to specify something in your topic or not.
- Your adviser should be professional in the specific field which you have chosen. Of course, the first idea will be to consult with your favorite teacher, but don’t act impulsively. Take time to think about all the professionals that are in your school and their areas of studies and only then choose the right person. Don’t you agree that a geography teacher is a strange choice for the student who is planning to write an EE introduction relating to chemistry?
- Choose only that professional who will force you to be better. Such people usually review everything attentively and give meaningful notes for improvements rather than just showing your mistakes and correcting them. Don’t forget that the active participation of your adviser in the writing process is forbidden. He/she should just explain and guide you, but don’t answer all your questions at once.
- Extended essay introduction and structure has to be in your writing. This topic was already discussed in our article, but let us recollect it. Your essay should consist of a clear intro, research focus of your writing, main part, and a conclusion. Those texts which won’t have this structure will be graded lower than others.
Depending on the chosen topic, your main part may or may not include several sections. For instance, if you are working with comparisons, then you will most likely need this additional split of the material in order not to mix everything.
- Start planning everything beforehand. It is absolutely impossible that a person with no experience in writing copes with 4000-word text in a couple of days. Even if you think that you are prepared enough and have reviewed lots of IB extended essay guides, it doesn’t mean that you are 100 percent prepared and can do everything easier and quicker than others.
Except for your personal plans relating to the writing process, your school might have some internal deadlines for each specific period of the EE writing organization. That means you should at least know about these deadlines and also follow all the instructions that are required from you.
How Does This Essay Influence Your Diploma?
The number of points that are added to the IB Diploma is a combination of the assay results and theory of knowledge. These two scores are counted, and you have to receive a minimum of 24 points in those two categories of evaluation. As for the biggest rate that you can get, it is 45 points.
Those participants who have received E on any of the mentioned categories won’t be eligible for this kind of diploma.
To conclude, EE is an extremely important kind of writing, and you’d better accept it seriously right from the very beginning. You can cope with it; just follow all the above-mentioned instructions and recommendations. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for additional recommendations from your adviser anytime you need this.